In I Kings, chapter 18, King Ahab, a worshiper of God had
married a woman who worshiped in a fertility cult who sacrificed their babies
to Baal. Elijah, a prophet in Israel, told king Ahab to gather the 450 prophets
of Baal and 400 prophets of the Asherah in order to have a “come to meeting” so
to speak.
The Israelites, led by their king, worshiped Almighty God. But
they also mixed in a little hanky-panky with the temple prostitutes of the king’s
wife, Jezebel.
After all the Baal priests and the people of Israel were
gathered, Elijah came before them and asked, “How long will you hesitate
between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.”
In other words, he said they were limping along because they were trusting in
something other than their Almighty God to deliver their needs like rain and
fertility. God was not at all pleased that they were sacrificing His gift to
them of their children to Baal.
Elijah proposed a test saying if Baal was god, let him light
an ox the Baal priests laid on their altar. If Almighty God was God, let fire
come and consume Elijah’s sacrifice on his altar.
Elijah let the Baal priests go first. They called on their god
all day until time for the evening sacrifice. Nothing happened, even though
they cut themselves and called out with loud voices.
Then it was Elijah’s turn. They laid an ox on Elijah’s altar.
He had them pour twelve pitchers of water on it. When Elijah prayed a simple
prayer the fire of the Lord fell, consumed the burnt offering, the wood, the
stones of the altar, the dust, and the altar.
When the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The
Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God.”
A few chapters later, we find out what happens to Jezebel.
Dogs ate everything but her hands and feet. A sad end indeed.
What things are we trusting in today in addition to Almighty
God for our needs? Have we thrown in a little Buddhism? A tad of new age
thinking or just a dash of witchcraft like horoscopes, Tarot cards, or Ouija