I Samuel 17:47
and that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.
Here, David, a small shepherd boy sent by the Lord, faced Goliath. He was a giant over nine feet tall armed with a sword, a spear, and a javelin. David’s armament—his shepherd’s staff, five smooth stones, and a slingshot.
Goliath swore at David by his gods and told him he would throw him out for bird and dog food after he killed him.
David answered that his God would deliver Goliath into his hand. Those assembled would then know by experience that the existing One, his Lord, delivers and brings victory by His hand—not by swords or spears.
It only took one stone delivered by the Lord to bring down that nine foot giant. Let us never forget who our deliverer is.
Lord God, when life delivers us giants
may we listen for Your instructions
and follow them to the letter,
resting in the assurance
that You are our deliverer
and victor in every battle we face.
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