
God's Little Miracle Book is a collection of true stories of our extraordinary God operating in the lives of ordinary people.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When Praying for Someone

Have you ever felt the Lord has asked you to do something you don’t feel you’re capable of? Scary, isn’t it?

One of the first times I went to pray for someone I was scared to death. What would I say? What would I pray? What if the person wasn’t healed? What if I blew it? These questions ran though my head as I drove to the place to pray for the person.

The Lord spoke to my heart. It went something like this. “It’s none of your business whether the patient lives or dies. Your job is to follow My bidding. You’re not the doctor. I am. You’re merely the instrument in My hand. Your job is to be clean and ready. You don’t have to take the blame if the patient dies. You also won’t take the credit if the patient lives, for all the glory goes to Me, Almighty God.”

I felt as if a thousand pound weight lifted off my shoulders. “It’s a deal, Lord.”

About a year later, I heard from the mother of the patient. “We had a doctor visit today. The doctor told us to throw the pills away. My child doesn’t need any further treatments. He is symptom free. Oh, and the doctor told us this disease is fatal. He can’t understand why my child is healed.

That was over 40 years ago. The child is now grown with no further illness. What the Lord taught me that day is a lesson I’ll never forget. To God be the glory now and forevermore!

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