
God's Little Miracle Book is a collection of true stories of our extraordinary God operating in the lives of ordinary people.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Do Not Fear

Isaiah 41:3

For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”

Have you ever been faced with a seemingly impossible task? You wonder how this could possibly turn out for the good. As far as you’re concerned you are standing at the bottom of Mt. Everest with the assigned task of climbing to the top in a week. You have no training. No equipment. No possibility of meeting those needs.

Good news. The One True God—the One who spoke everything into being is holding tightly to your right hand. He speaks to you and says, “Do not be afraid. I, the Almighty God will help and support you. I will speak to you and show you the way. Together we will succeed. Let’s go.”

How can you refuse an offer like that?

Almighty God, with You at my side,
I take the first steps toward this task.
Of myself, I can do nothing,
but with You all things are possible.
Thank You that with Your kind guidance,
strength, and direction, I will successfully
climb the mountain that looms before me
so that You might be glorified.

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