
God's Little Miracle Book is a collection of true stories of our extraordinary God operating in the lives of ordinary people.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014



Philippians 1:23

But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better;
Do you ever feel like Paul? Torn between heaven and earth? Each time a friend or relative dies, I feel heaven’s pull even greater.

I hate good-bys. In heaven we will never have to say that word again. When we’re in Jesus’ presence, He will wipe away every tear (Revelation 7:17). We will be able to see Him face to face—forever.

We will be free of all immoral persons, murderers, and liars (Revelation 22:15). We will be in the presence of those who have overcome (Revelation 21:7). All who will be there will love and honor the one true God. We have no inkling of the abundance God has planned for us I Corinthians 2:9).

Lord God, my eyes ache to see You face-to-face.
My heart yearns to be with You one-on-one.
My ears long to hear angel choirs praise You in the highest.
Oh, Lord! Hasten that day!

As a side note, I’ve published a new 366 day devotional book entitled Looking Deeper. It’s available in paperback and e-reader. Looking_Deeper_Cover_for_Kindle

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